Monday, April 16, 2012

Pigs in a blanket

My husband's fanatical love for this dish has turned my occasional love of this item at baby showers and bachelorette partiers into a regular feast.  Note: the secret to fantastic pigs in a blanket is the quality of hot dog you buy.  After experiencing the dogs they have at Costco I am entirely ruined for the 49 cent packages sold in most grocery stores.  Not hard to make these ones, but this blog is for sharing ideas for tapped out brains, not gormet recipes to spend all day on.

Dough (yet again, I use the dough resulting from the basic white bread recipe on my bread maker.  Any dough that you usually use for rolls or bread will do. Some common ones are rhodes rolls, or pillsbury pop biscuits)
Hot Dogs (I use BAR S Polish Sausage dogs.)
Cheddar cheese

1. After first rise (if using bread maker dough) cut dough into roll sized wedges. (A large loaf recipe should leave enough for 16-18 rolls.)
2. Cut hot dogs in half.
3. Slice cheddar cheese in to strips equal to the length of your halved hot dogs.
4. Wrap one halved hot dog and one cheese strip in dough wedge, making sure that the dough completely connects on the far side.  Repeat until you run out of dough or hot dogs.
5. Follow baking directions on dough package to cook (With bread maker dough it's usually 15 minutes at 350 degrees fahrenheit.)

Serves: A LOT.

Time to table:
30 minutes

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