Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Pear Spinach Salad

Simple, few ingredient salad with a rich taste.  I made this one after getting a massage from a super granola masseuse who masterfully guilted me into eating healthier so I wouldn't need so many massages.

4 cups fresh Spinach
1 hard pear
1 slice purple onion
1 Tbs extra virgin olive oil
2 Tbs red vinegar (red wine, pomegranite, just not white)
1/8 tsp dill

1. Cut spinach into fork sized pieces. (I prefer to use food scissors).  Add to mixing bowl.
2. Cut purple onion slice into quarters, mix into spinach
3. Mix olive oil and red vinegar.  Add dill, mix again. Pour over spinach and mix until leaves are evenly coated.  Distribute spinach and onions evenly onto dinner plates.
3. Core pear, cut into cubes.  Layer on top of spinach onions.
Add orange garnish.

Makes 2 servings

Prep time:
15 minutes

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